Towers Around The World


Highest Towers – of the World

Towers Around The World

Location : Paris
Height : 318 Meters
Floors :
Built : 1887

Towers Around The World

Location : Dubai
Height : 321 Meters
Floors :
Built : 1999

Towers Around The World

Location : Shanghai China
Height : 421 Meters
Floors : 88
Built : 1998

Towers Around The World

Location : Chicago Illinois
Height : 443 Meters
Floors : 110
Built : 1973

Towers Around The World

Location : Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
Height : 452 Meters
Floors : 88
Built : 1998

Towers Around The World

Location : Shanghai China
Height : 492 Meters
Floors : 101
To Be Completed : 2007

Towers Around The World

Location : Taipei Taiwan
Height : 508 Meters
Floors : 101
Built : 2004

Towers Around The World

Location : Guangzhou, Shanghai China
Height : 514.8 Meters
Floors : 131
To Be Completed : 2010

Towers Around The World

Location : WTC Manhattan NY
Height : 541 Meters
Floors : 69
To Be Completed : 2010

Towers Around The World

Location : Tokyo Japan
Height : 600 Meters
Floors :
To Be Completed : 2007

Towers Around The World

Location : Dubai
Height : 705 Meters
Floors : 160
To Be Completed : 2008

Towers Around The World

Location : Shanghai China
Height : 1228 Meters
Floors : 300
To Be Completed : 2020


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