The Coolest Spy Gadgets


Espionage is everywhere, so don’t think for a moment that the beer can in the street gutter isn’t collecting your information.

Here are eight of the coolest spy gadgets that will make you think twice about who you talk to…

1. Shoe Bug

The Coolest Spy Gadgets

No, it isn’t Agent Smart’s phone. It’s a bug that was placed inside an intercepted pair of shoes to listen in on conversations back in the day. Apparently, the CIA would intercept a pair of shoes going through post, then place a bug and transmitter in the heel to track conversations.

No wonder barefoot hippies don’t trust the feds.

2. Water Cooler Sensors

The Coolest Spy Gadgets

It isn’t Gatorade inside this cooler, so don’t dump it over your coach’s head after your next win.

Israael reportedly used a water cooler fitted with sensors in it to survey certain landscapes while spying against Hezbollah.

3. Dragonfly Spy

The Coolest Spy Gadgets

The first insect-sized aerial vehicle (insectothopter, developed to explore intelligence collection via miniature devices). The CIA’s R&D team created the bug in the 70s, and it became the first flight of an aerial vehicle the size of an insect.

Next time a pesky dragonfly is humming over your shoulder, deny everything.

4. Cross Camera

The Coolest Spy Gadgets

This cross from a spy camera wholesaler snaps photos and records video. It can capture content with a lens coverage of 90 degrees, and download it straight to your computer. You can even record video for a full two hours before the battery starts to go!

Just pray that you won’t have to use this … or have it used on you.

5. Peephole Reverser

The Coolest Spy Gadgets

Used by spies and law enforcement, the peephole reverser lets you see what’s going on behind closed doors. Equipped with a special lens to negate the effect of a peephole.

Just make sure you REALLY want to see what’s going on behind that closed door…

6. Video Camera Pen

The Coolest Spy Gadgets

It looks like your average black ballpoint pen, but guess what? — it’s got you on camera! This mini camera records both video and audio, and can operate in -10 degree Fahrenheit weather!

Forget about writing; let the pen video and voice record everything for you!

7. Unmanned Underwater Vehicle

The Coolest Spy Gadgets

The CIA uses this to study aquatic robot technology, so forget about trying to hook it for dinner.

The robo-fish, “Charlie,” was developed by the CIA’s Office of Advanced Technologies and Programs. The Unmanned Underwater Vehicle contains a communications system in it and is controlled by a wireless radio handset.

8. Tree Stump Bug

The Coolest Spy Gadgets

Used by the CIA in the 1970s to capture information from Moscow. The agency used it to listen in on conversations, and it proved successful … until KGB agents discovered it.


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