Craziest Texting Gadgets


1. Brolly Texting Umbrella

Craziest Texting Gadgets

You’re a slave to your phone. It’s okay, we all are. Those tiny windows into the wilds of the Internet are so compelling that people are often contorted into odd positions, trying to operate their phones while doing other things. For example, did you ever try to handle your phone while managing an umbrella? That situation alone is a textbook example for the need for phone cases.

The Brolly Texting Umbrella features a soft and rubbery finger-grip handle so you don’t actually have to hold onto your umbrella at all. Your fingers loop through and keep it in place, even while you tippy-tap your Twitter-patter. Maintain a firm grip on your expensive gadgets, all while staying dry, because we live in the future.

2. Touch Screen Gloves

Craziest Texting Gadgets

We demand a lot from our devices these days. Calling, texting, internet access, email, games – and that’s just for starters. Now, it’s time to demand more from our clothing. After all, smartphones and tablets are nice, but they aren’t worth a frostbitten hand in the dead of winter. Use your gadgets comfortably, no matter how far below zero it gets, with these touch screen gloves. You’ll never wear regular gloves again!

These touch screen gloves have special non-scratch wire wool woven into the tips of the thumb, index finger, and middle finger, giving you comfortable, reliable access to your smartphone and your mobile world. Say goodbye to the hassle of frozen fingers and the need to take off your gloves just to use your phone or tablet – the Touch Screen Gloves make all those other gloves obsolete!

3. iPhone Case With Built-In Cupholder

Craziest Texting Gadgets

Another day, another product that attaches your iPhone to your food receptacles. Check out the UpperCup, an iPhone case that has a pop-out cup holder so you can text and hold your drink at the same time. Natwerk, the company responsible for the concept, is gathering funding over at Indiegogo. Prices start at $25 for the iPhone 4 and $30 for the 5. I don’t know, but this product just isn’t going to mesh with my texting style. I’m a violent, spastic texter. I imagine that a simple “BRB crying in the shower” would end with me scalding my nekkid body with hot coffee. Oh, and my with phone short circuiting, because in that hypothetical situation I’d be texting from the shower.

4. Finger-nose Stylus

Craziest Texting Gadgets

I admit that I do some pretty strange things to position my phone just the way I need it when browsing the web in bed, texting with one hand, or while using it as a reading light. I even tried taking it into the bathtub once, until I remembered that this is my 3rd iPhone in 3 years. Growing tired of having to bring his iPhone sessions to an end just because of silly things like water, Dominic Wilcox invented the Finger-nose Stylus. It’s a stylus for your nose. As far as we can tell, it’s not for sale. What a shame.

5. Smartphone Holder for Strollers

Craziest Texting Gadgets

Texting while driving is illegal in many states, but texting while pushing a stroller is still totally legal! It’s just difficult, unless you have something to mount your phone onto the handlebar of your stroller, something like the Texthook. This $26 device fits many size phones and stoller models and lets you text and push at the same time. Not just compatible with strollers, you can use the Texthook on shopping carts, bicycles and treadmills, too. Now your child is no longer an obstacle to getting your text on.

Just don’t expect to be winning any prizes for Parent of the Year.

6. Mobile Visor

Craziest Texting Gadgets

The Mobile Visor clips onto your BlackBerry screen to stop nosy people from reading your oh so important private stuff. We’re kind of thinking that if they’re that keen to see what you’re doing, they’ll need a) a telescopic neck and b) a finely tuned set of eyeballs which can penetrate tiny oblique LCD screens at a distance. We’re not saying it can’t be done, mind you, just that it’s kind of unlikely without you noticing. Anyway, here’s a solution if you’re still paranoid about it. $8.95.

7. Textminator

Craziest Texting Gadgets

Tired of shooting zombies, racing roadsters and putting together attack combos? Head on over to the less-popular side of the arcade and pop your quarter into the Textminator, a real-life arcade box that turns sending SMS messages into a game.

What? You heard that right. Instead of memorizing button-mashing combos and showing off your joystick prowess, you wrap your grubby thumbs around a cellphone controller, racing against the clock to punch the words and phrases that appear onscreen. Seriously.

The first-of-its-kind (and, hopefully, the last) coin-op arcade box, the Textminator challenges players to put their texting skills to task. You can race against time in single player mode, aiming to put your score at the top of the machine’s leaderboard. Fancy a more competitive atmosphere? Challenge someone to a two-player game, going head-to-head to determine who really is faster at thumbing through small keypads.

8. BrailleTouch

Craziest Texting Gadgets

Modern smartphones come with touchscreen displays – which are not a bad thing at all, really. However, while the hard of hearing can always enjoy the use of a smartphone or featurephone because they can see, how about the visually impaired? Georgia Tech believes otherwise, and has come up with BrailleTouch – a Braille-like texting app. This prototype app for touchscreen mobile devices intends to be the complete solution to all our modern day texting problems, without having to even look at the device’s display at all – which would also bode well for the visually impaired, of course.

9. Texting Chair

Craziest Texting Gadgets

With the advent of touchscreens and cellphones, the world requires a new office chair — one designed to be as ergonomic when using mobile gadgets as they are when you’re leaning into your desk typing a 10-page report. The Steelcase Gesture Chair will do just that.

A purpose-designed piece of office furniture, it’s built to support nine postures that have been identified in a global study that looked at the ideal postures for people who interact with modern technology. From hunching over when texting to typing on a laptop while answering a call to reading a report on your iPad, the chair is optimized to help you transition from one to the other without strain on the body.

10. SuperTooth HD

Craziest Texting Gadgets

It looks like we already have the option to text, dial our phones and use Facebook without ever taking our eyes off the road. Phew!

SuperTooth is launching the SuperTooth HD– the most advanced Bluetooth speakerphone on the market today, it has three times more power than other models and it allows drivers to answer incoming calls, select pre-dialed phone numbers, check battery level or retrieve voicemail. The SuperTooth Handsfree Assistant feature, powered by Dial2Do, allows drivers to compose and send Facebook, Twitter, e-mail and SMS messages via voice alone.

State-of-the-art voice commands are designed to provide a hands-free solution for phone use in the car. The SuperTooth HD features two speakers with a 5 watt audio output, 5.4 watt amplifier and built-in dual microphones to pick up voices more clearly. Just clip the SuperTooth HD onto the car’s sun visor; no installation required.

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