Top 10 Tech Innovations Of 2012


Predicted Innovations in Technology:

1. Touch Computing:

Top 10 Tech Innovations Of 2012

Using graphical user interface is more in demand, thus using desktop computers will be outdated by touch screens.

2. Social Gestures:

Top 10 Tech Innovations Of 2012

It is also called as frictionless sharing that was introduced by Facebook. The user need not click a button when sharing media instead any relevant app that you approved will be posted in your profile.

3. Mobile Payments:

Top 10 Tech Innovations Of 2012

This innovation in technology replaces the credit card payments.

4. Amazon?s Kindle Fire:

Top 10 Tech Innovations Of 2012

This device is predicted to outsell iPad in terms of the cost and functionality.

5. TV Everywhere:

Top 10 Tech Innovations Of 2012

It is the latest innovation in technology that allows the users to watch their favorite shows conveniently on their hands.

6. Voice Control:

Top 10 Tech Innovations Of 2012

This is another popular trend in 2012 that allows the users not only sending texts but also creating reminders and searching the Web by using your voice. Thus, the trend of using voice controlled devices is on the rise.

7. Spatial Gestures:

Top 10 Tech Innovations Of 2012

Microsoft Kinect is one of those devices using spatial gestures. This input method can be controlled as the user wave hands.

8. Second-Screen Experiences:

Top 10 Tech Innovations Of 2012

This is the latest trend of apps mainly on iPad in which the content linked to the movie or show you?re watching is displayed through the audio output from your TV.

9. Flexible Screens:

Top 10 Tech Innovations Of 2012

These types of screens refer to those devices that feature bendable interfaces that allow the user to zoom in and out as well as scroll around the page by twisting the tablet or phone.

10. HTML 5:

Top 10 Tech Innovations Of 2012

This technology innovation allows developers to create more interactive and richer applications.
Therefore, 2012 will give us the opportunity to take advantage with the latest innovations in technology that will make everything easier.


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